14 August 2008

The Top 5 programs for Windows (0.3)

When I think of my top 5 programs for windows a few very important and very effective ones come to mind and all fall under four categories: Clean, Protect, Repair, Reorganize (CPRR for short) and I think that these are the best programs out there. The greatest thing is that most of these PC saving gems are absolutely free.

1. AVG Anti-virus free edition (http://free.avg.com/) -CP
-AVG Anti-virus is hands down the best anti-virus solution out there, and to boot comes with a free anti-spyware and safesearch program (which identifies unsafe websites on google, and prevents you from accessing phising and fake sites.. Like the Facebook ones so many people are caught by).I felt so strongly about the free version that I decided to buy the internet security package and I've never had a problem with it. The benefits of this program include: Very low background usage, comprehensive scanning not to mention its very simple to use and comes with so much for nothing.

2. Eusing Free registry Cleaner (http://www.eusing.com) -R
-In my experience with registry cleaners (and I've tried many) there is none quicker and more effective than Eusing's free registry cleaner, I wish I had installed it before I started installing certain other programs that I had to reinstall.. a few times. Those slowdowns were absolutely horrible but Eusing fixed that in less than 3 minutes. I can't describe better than that how well this program works.

3. IOBIT SmartDefrag (http://www.iobit.com/iobitsmartdefrag.html#) -R
-I'm sure everyone has used the Windows standard defragmenting tool, or if you haven't you should have and if you have you've seen how long it takes, and how painful it is to put up with while searching around for a solution one day (because with this injury I honestly have nothing better to do) and I came across IOBIT's smart defrag. Not only does it defragment faster than the standard windows defrag, but it also optimizes the drive but ALSO along with those two great features it also (when pc usage is low) defragments as you go saving you time and frustration later on.

4. Mozilla Firefox (www.Getfirefox.com) -P
- Microsoft does a damn fine job making an OS that is easy to use, stable and fast but when it comes to making an internet browser they don't do it that well. I'm not saying internet explorer is bad, but I wouldn't mind it going the way of the dodo. Firefox is secure, faster, more efficient, blocks popups better and is alot nicer looking then IE

5. Mozilla Thunderbird (http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/) -P
- Like Mozilla's Firefox, Thunderbird is unbeatable when it comes to security speed and junk protection. This email client is superb. With a quality spam filter more organizational options and features galor it's a perfect companion to Firefox and like all the others FREE.

I hope some of these programs help people out there, they are always tried and tested by yours truly and I give them all a 10/10 if they do leave a comment positive or negative it'll me much appreciated.

-Chris Nantau

Intro: Welcome to the TechSupport Blog

Welcome to the TechSupport Blog!
Since I'm pretty good with computers and I know alot of people aren't I've decided to set up this blog to answer any questions anyone has about anything to do with computers whether it be overclocking, crashing, updating, upgrading or anything else you can think of just e-mail me at "Nantausblog@gmail.com" and I'll do my very best to answer your questions.
